Bruno Ceccobelli, Sans titre / Untitled, 1988
CA$250 - CA$350
Timed Auction
Vente en ligne Miriam Shiell Fine Art Online sale : Opportunités / Opportunities
Bruno Ceccobelli
14,6 x 31,7 cm / 5 3/4 x 12 ½ in
Bruno Ceccobelli (né en 1952) est un peintre et sculpteur italien. Il est associé à la Nuova Sculoa Romana ou Scuola di San Lorenzo, un mouvement artistique issu de l'Art Povera. Sans titre est typique de l'œuvre de Ceccobelli des années 1980, où l'artiste peignait sur des éléments sculpturaux trouvés, posés sur une toile ou un panneau.
Bruno Ceccobelli (b. 1952) is an Italian painter and sculptor. He is associated with the Nuova Sculoa Romana or Scuola di San Lorenzo, an artistic movement that grew out of Art Povera. Untitled is typical of Ceccobelli’s work from the 1980s where the artist would paint over found sculptural elements laid onto canvas or board.
Bruno Ceccobelli (b. 1952) is an Italian painter and sculptor. He is associated with the Nuova Sculoa Romana or Scuola di San Lorenzo, an artistic movement that grew out of Art Povera. Untitled is typical of Ceccobelli’s work from the 1980s where the artist would paint over found sculptural elements laid onto canvas or board.
Non encadrée / Not framed
Techniques mixtes sur bois / Mixed media on wood
Non signée / Unsigned
Jack Shainman Gallery, New York