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Bernice Martin, Barry's Bay, 1938
CA$2,000 - CA$2,500
Timed Auction
Oeno Gallery - Vente en ligne de février 2024 / February 2024 Online sale
Bernice Martin
Medium: Huile sur carton entoilée / Oil on canvas board
Dimensions: 26,7 x 34,9 cm / 10 ½ x 13 ¾ in
Description: L'artiste canadienne Bernice Martin a été émue par la beauté de la campagne dans laquelle elle a grandi. Dans cette peinture d'un lac du nord de l'Ontario, elle a capturé le boisé vallonné, les collines en arrière-plan et la baie attirant le regard du spectateur vers le centre. Les coups de pinceau sont typiquement impressionnistes - petits et visibles; la lumière est naturelle. / Canadian artist Bernice Martin was moved by the beauty of the countryside that she grew up in. In this painting of a northern Ontario Lake, she has captured the rolling treed landscape, hills in the background, a patch of blue—the bay drawing the viewer’s eye to the center. The brushstrokes are characteristically impressionist—small and visible; the light is natural…the colours—forest green, sky blue, orange-red soil highlighted in soft yellow. She was born in Shelburne Ontario in 1902 and studied at the Ontario College of Art under renowned Canadian artists J.W. Beatty and Franklin Carmichael (member of the Group of Seven). Martin went on to study and became friends with Peter Clapham Sheppard, an impressionist painter whom she worked with until his death in 1965. Martin's works have been exhibited at the Royal Canadian Academy from 1945-1947, the T. Eaton Co.'s College Street Fine Art Gallery, Casa Loma, the Quebec Museum of Fine Arts, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and the Art Gallery of Ontario. Her paintings may be found in many private, corporate, and public collections, including the National Gallery of Canada.
Sans cadre / Unframed
Signée au bas à gauche, titrée au dos / Signed lower left, titled on verso
Collection particulière / Private collection, Ontario