Yann Leroux, Autoportrait de l'artiste, 1998
CA$550 - CA$700
Timed Auction
TRAIT D’UNION 2024 - L’encan-bénéfice du FIFA // TRAIT D'UNION 2024 - The FIFA benefit auction
Yann Leroux
30 x 29 cm / 11,8 x 11,4 in
Les toiles de Yann Leroux sont imprégnées d'une aura classique, dépeignant pourtant une réalité contemporaine. Les modèles, amis ou saisis sur le vif dans leur quotidien (devant l'ordinateur, à la table à dessin), posent presque quotidiennement dans son atelier. Lorsqu'une jeune femme pose, un fond épuré devient toile de fond, agrémenté d'objets imaginés, de tableaux classiques et de natures mortes en arrière-plan, ainsi que de reflets dans un miroir, ajoutant une autre dimension. Les poses naturelles évoquent la vie et les préoccupations actuelles d'une génération cherchant à trouver sa place dans la société.
Yann Leroux's canvases are imbued with a classical aura, yet they depict a contemporary reality. The models, whether friends or captured spontaneously in their daily lives (in front of the computer, at the drawing table), pose almost daily in his studio. When a young woman poses, a clean backdrop becomes the canvas, adorned with imagined objects, classical paintings, and still lifes in the background, along with reflections in a mirror, adding another dimension. The natural poses evoke life and the current concerns of a generation seeking to find its place in society.
Yann Leroux's canvases are imbued with a classical aura, yet they depict a contemporary reality. The models, whether friends or captured spontaneously in their daily lives (in front of the computer, at the drawing table), pose almost daily in his studio. When a young woman poses, a clean backdrop becomes the canvas, adorned with imagined objects, classical paintings, and still lifes in the background, along with reflections in a mirror, adding another dimension. The natural poses evoke life and the current concerns of a generation seeking to find its place in society.
Encadrée / Framed
Huile sur toile marouflée sur bois / Oil on canvas mounted on wood
Signée, datée et titrée au dos/ Signed, dated and titled verso
Collection particulière / Private collection