Marie-Michelle Deschamps, On the rocks, 2021
CA$3,000 - CA$4,500
Timed Auction
TRAIT D’UNION 2024 - L’encan-bénéfice du FIFA // TRAIT D'UNION 2024 - The FIFA benefit auction
Marie-Michelle Deschamps
30,5 x 23 cm / 12 x 9 in
Le travail de Marie-Michelle Deschamps se concentre sur le langage en tant qu’espace habitable: une véritable structure et un lieu où résident des formes esthétiques. Sa pratique est ancrée dans la conversation, la collaboration et la traduction, soulignant le pouvoir transformatif du langage dans le dialecte formel de l’architecture. Marie-Michelle Deschamps explore les problématiques du processus de signification et dissèque, déconstruisant et réinventant le langage pour mieux interroger la relation entre les mots et les choses, et donnant à voir entre les lignes du texte le langage comme expérience et réservoir d’esthétique.
Marie-Michelle Deschamps' work focuses on language as inhabitable space: a true structure and a place where aesthetic forms reside. Her practice is rooted in conversation, collaboration and translation, emphasizing the transformative power of language in the formal dialect of architecture. Marie-Michelle Deschamps explores issues of meaning and dissects, deconstructs and reinvents language to interrogate the relationship between words and things, and to reveal language as experience and reservoir of aesthetics between the lines of text.
Marie-Michelle Deschamps' work focuses on language as inhabitable space: a true structure and a place where aesthetic forms reside. Her practice is rooted in conversation, collaboration and translation, emphasizing the transformative power of language in the formal dialect of architecture. Marie-Michelle Deschamps explores issues of meaning and dissects, deconstructs and reinvents language to interrogate the relationship between words and things, and to reveal language as experience and reservoir of aesthetics between the lines of text.
Encadrée / Framed
Émail vitrifié sur feuille de cuivre et fil en argent fin / Porcelain enamel on copper sheet and fine silver thread
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Collection particulière / Private collection