François Escalmel, Someday you'll call my name, 2016
CA$3,000 - CA$4,500
Timed Auction
TRAIT D’UNION 2024 - L’encan-bénéfice du FIFA // TRAIT D'UNION 2024 - The FIFA benefit auction
François Escalmel
76,2 x 121,9 cm / 30 x 48 in
Someday, You'll call my name emprunte son titre à une chanson de Hank Williams. L'ombre de Peter Pan se profile au cœur d'une ouverture rocheuse, avec en toile de fond un soleil éclatant et une clairière champêtre. En observant cette scène, nous sommes doublement distancés : d'abord dans une grotte de couleurs vives, puis derrière une vitrine. Où sommes-nous exactement ? Peut-être dehors, peut-être la nuit. Ludique, cette peinture interroge la frontière entre espace privé et public et la relation entre humain et nature. Le personnage de conte évoque les histoires que nous tissons, avec leurs hésitations, raccourcis, et le chemin entre les fins et les débuts.
Someday, You'll call my name borrows its title from a Hank Williams song. The shadow of Peter Pan emerges in the heart of a rocky opening, set against a radiant sun and a rural clearing. As we observe this scene, we are doubly distanced: first within a cave of vibrant colors, then behind a showcase. Where exactly are we? Perhaps outdoors, perhaps at night. Playful, this painting questions the boundary between private and public space and the relationship between human and nature. The fairytale character speaks to the stories we weave, with their hesitations, shortcuts, and the journey between endings and beginnings.
Someday, You'll call my name borrows its title from a Hank Williams song. The shadow of Peter Pan emerges in the heart of a rocky opening, set against a radiant sun and a rural clearing. As we observe this scene, we are doubly distanced: first within a cave of vibrant colors, then behind a showcase. Where exactly are we? Perhaps outdoors, perhaps at night. Playful, this painting questions the boundary between private and public space and the relationship between human and nature. The fairytale character speaks to the stories we weave, with their hesitations, shortcuts, and the journey between endings and beginnings.
Non encadrée / Not framed
Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas
Signée au bas gauche / Signed lower left
Directement de l'artiste / From the artist