Jérôme Fortin, Marine (jaune), 2015
CA$3,500 - CA$5,000
Timed Auction
TRAIT D’UNION 2024 - L’encan-bénéfice du FIFA // TRAIT D'UNION 2024 - The FIFA benefit auction
Jérôme Fortin
84,5 x 78,7 cm / 33,2 x 31 in
Les sculptures-installations de Jérôme Fortin marient les cabinets de curiosités du XVIe siècle et la consommation de masse contemporaine. Il manipule astucieusement des objets courants tels que bouchons de liège, bouteilles en plastique, livres, allumettes, clous et boîtes de conserve, créant des curiosités visuelles rappelant fleurs, coquillages et bijoux. Poétiques et énigmatiques, elles transforment l'ordinaire pour captiver notre regard moderne. Il expose dans diverses villes du monde et a bénéficié de résidences artistiques prestigieuses. Son travail est présent dans de nombreuses collections, notamment celles de musées et d'institutions artistiques renommées.
Jérôme Fortin's sculpture-installations blend the cabinets of curiosities from the 16th century with contemporary mass consumption. He cleverly manipulates everyday objects like cork stoppers, plastic bottles, books, matches, nails, and tin cans, creating visual curiosities reminiscent of flowers, seashells, and jewelry. Poetic and enigmatic, they transform the ordinary to captivate our modern gaze. He exhibits in various cities worldwide and has enjoyed prestigious artistic residencies. His work is featured in numerous collections, including those of renowned museums and art institutions.
Jérôme Fortin's sculpture-installations blend the cabinets of curiosities from the 16th century with contemporary mass consumption. He cleverly manipulates everyday objects like cork stoppers, plastic bottles, books, matches, nails, and tin cans, creating visual curiosities reminiscent of flowers, seashells, and jewelry. Poetic and enigmatic, they transform the ordinary to captivate our modern gaze. He exhibits in various cities worldwide and has enjoyed prestigious artistic residencies. His work is featured in numerous collections, including those of renowned museums and art institutions.
Encadrée / Framed
Bouteilles de plastique sur panneau / Plastic bottles on panel
- / -
Collection particulière / Private collection