Léon Bellefleur, Lame de fond, 1978
CA$2,500 - CA$5,000
Timed Auction
TRAIT D’UNION 2024 - L’encan-bénéfice du FIFA // TRAIT D'UNION 2024 - The FIFA benefit auction
Léon Bellefleur
25 x 19 cm / 9,8 x 7,5 in
Né en 1910 à Montréal, Léon Bellefleur est un artiste peintre et graveur canadien. Influencé par Alfred Pellan, il s'engage dans le mouvement artistique moderne au Québec. Ses œuvres colorées et abstraites reflètent une expression libre du subconscient. Il séjourne en France pour se perfectionner en gravure chez Johnny Friedlander. En 1956, il est conseiller de l'Association des Artistes non figuratifs de Montréal. Son travail est reconnu et exposé aux côtés d'artistes renommés. Il reçoit le prestigieux prix Paul-Émile Borduas en 1977. Bellefleur est membre de l'Académie Royale du Canada jusqu'à son décès en 2007.
Born in 1910 in Montreal, Léon Bellefleur was a Canadian painter and engraver. Influenced by Alfred Pellan, he became involved in the modern artistic movement in Quebec. His colorful and abstract works reflect a free expression of the subconscious. He stayed in France to refine his engraving skills with Johnny Friedlander. In 1956, he became an advisor to the Association des Artistes non figuratifs de Montréal. His work was recognized and exhibited alongside renowned artists. He received the prestigious Paul-Émile Borduas Prize in 1977. Bellefleur was a member of the Royal Academy of Canada until his passing in 2007.
Born in 1910 in Montreal, Léon Bellefleur was a Canadian painter and engraver. Influenced by Alfred Pellan, he became involved in the modern artistic movement in Quebec. His colorful and abstract works reflect a free expression of the subconscious. He stayed in France to refine his engraving skills with Johnny Friedlander. In 1956, he became an advisor to the Association des Artistes non figuratifs de Montréal. His work was recognized and exhibited alongside renowned artists. He received the prestigious Paul-Émile Borduas Prize in 1977. Bellefleur was a member of the Royal Academy of Canada until his passing in 2007.
Encadrée / Framed
Encre et aquarelle sur papier / Ink and watercolor on paper
Signée et datée au bas droite, titrée au bas gauche / Signed and dated lower right, titled lower left
Collection particulière / Private collection