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Edward Falkenberg, Phoenician, 2012
CA$6,000 - CA$7,000
Timed Auction
Oeno Gallery – Vente en ligne Printemps 2022 / Spring 2022 Online Auction
Edward Falkenberg
177,8 × 83,8 × 26,7 cm / 70 × 33 × 10.5 in
Narrow white verticals intersected with white squares, rise to meet a curve of white wood, textured with incised waves topped by a horizontal 'boat' charred and oiled into a rich black in this tall sculpture. Within the boat pieces of steel rod that appear melted are crowned by a thin, angled copper crescent. The title of the work, Phoenician, refers to an ancient civilization of the Middle East near Greece that dominated the Mediterranean and Red Sea routes. Falkenberg is an established Canadian sculptor with roots in modern constructivism. Constructivism is an early 20th century movement that grew from the practice of Russian and eastern European sculptors. Antoine Pevsner and Naum Gabo were noted for their industrial geometric work that broke from traditional carved sculpture to explore pure form, materials, positive and negative space. Falkenberg, introduced to these modern concepts and forms early in his career, evolved to merge the modern constructivist vision with narrative. In this sculpture, the shapes and materials suggestive of a ship's hull and full sail supported by Greek doric columns are framed by a narrative of an ancient Mediterranean civilization. Falkenberg, RCA, attended the Ontario College of Art and graduated in Industrial Design in 1965. Numerous solo and group exhibitions of his sculptures have brought national acclaim. His work is part of corporate and public collections including Imperial Oil, Orfus Investments and the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. In 2004, Falkenberg co-founded the Durham West Arts Centre, a self-sustaining public art centre in West Durham, Ontario. Commissions include Canadian Embassy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, University of Ontario, Institute of Technology, Pickering Town Centre, Presidents Choice Office Tower, Government of Ontario, Dept. of Public Works, Bell Canada Data Centre and the Cadillac Development Corporation.
Bois / Wood
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Collection particulière / Private Collection, Ontario