Marcel Christian Barbeau, Rétina 319-K, 1966
CA$50,000 - CA$60,000
Timed Auction
BYDealers – Art canadien historique et d’après-guerre / Historical and Post-War Canadian Art
Marcel Christian Barbeau
167,6 x 167,6 cm / 66 x 66 in
Le tableau Rétina 319-K, daté de 1966, témoigne d’un moment charnière dans la carrière de Marcel Barbeau. À New York, où il vit de 1964 à 1968, le peintre s’intègre aux réseaux artistiques alors en vogue dans la métropole américaine, où il connaîtra une reconnaissance internationale. À la suite d’une première exposition individuelle à l’East Hampton Gallery, qui représente l’artiste de 1965 à 1970, la critique positive de l’époque associe sa récente production au mouvement op art – ou art optique –, alors en pleine effervescence aux États-Unis, si bien que le peintre devient un véritable pionnier du mouvement au Canada. Barbeau participera à de nombreuses expositions d’op art aux États-Unis, où il se distinguera de ses contemporains grâce à une approche plastique plus intuitive ou viscérale, malgré l’«apparence réglée» des tableaux. La dualité perceptive se trouve au centre de ses recherches, soutenue par des réseaux linéaires et des plans chromatiques particulièrement lumineux. Dans Rétina 319-K, la composition géométrique, qui introduit un effet de ricochet d’un angle à l’autre, insuffle à l’œuvre une dynamique comparable à la composition d’Abianourme (1966, collection permanente de la Hart House, Université de Toronto), reproduite dans la monographie Marcel Barbeau: Le regard en fugue, où l’on voit l’artiste assis devant son tableau dans un atelier de Union Square, au cœur de Manhattan. Les couleurs complémentaires tiennent le haut du pavé dans l’agencement audacieux de Rétina 319-K, où le plan noir fait une entrée remarquée du côté gauche de la toile. Ce découpage oblique agit comme le pan de velours d’un rideau de théâtre, dévoilant l’aspect dramatique d’une œuvre qui, à ce jour, est toujours aussi fraîche et percutante.
The painting Rétina 319-K (1966) testifies to a key moment in Marcel Barbeau’s career. While in New York, where he lived from 1964 to 1968, Barbeau joined the art network that was then in vogue there and gained international recognition. After a first solo exhibition at the East Hampton Gallery, which represented him from 1965 to 1970, the positive criticism of the time associated his latest production with the Op Art (or optical art) movement, then in full swing in the United States. Barbeau would in fact become a pioneer of the movement in Canada. Taking part in many Op Art exhibitions in the United States, he stood out from his contemporaries for his more intuitive and visceral approach, despite the “ordered appearance” of the paintings. Perceptual duality lies at the heart of his work, sustained by particularly bright linear and chromatic patterns. The geometric composition in Rétina 319K introduces the effect of a ricochet from one angle to another and imbues the work with a dynamism comparable to the composition in Abianourme (1966, permanent collection of the Hart House, University of Toronto), reproduced in the monograph Marcel Barbeau: Le regard en fugue, where we see the artist in front of his painting in his Union Square studio in the heart of Manhattan. Complementary colours have the high ground in Rétina 319-K’s bold configuration, in which the black segment makes a marked entry on the left of the canvas. This slanting design acts like a velvet theatre curtain, revealing the dramatic aspect of a work that remains as fresh and striking as the day it was produced.
The painting Rétina 319-K (1966) testifies to a key moment in Marcel Barbeau’s career. While in New York, where he lived from 1964 to 1968, Barbeau joined the art network that was then in vogue there and gained international recognition. After a first solo exhibition at the East Hampton Gallery, which represented him from 1965 to 1970, the positive criticism of the time associated his latest production with the Op Art (or optical art) movement, then in full swing in the United States. Barbeau would in fact become a pioneer of the movement in Canada. Taking part in many Op Art exhibitions in the United States, he stood out from his contemporaries for his more intuitive and visceral approach, despite the “ordered appearance” of the paintings. Perceptual duality lies at the heart of his work, sustained by particularly bright linear and chromatic patterns. The geometric composition in Rétina 319K introduces the effect of a ricochet from one angle to another and imbues the work with a dynamism comparable to the composition in Abianourme (1966, permanent collection of the Hart House, University of Toronto), reproduced in the monograph Marcel Barbeau: Le regard en fugue, where we see the artist in front of his painting in his Union Square studio in the heart of Manhattan. Complementary colours have the high ground in Rétina 319-K’s bold configuration, in which the black segment makes a marked entry on the left of the canvas. This slanting design acts like a velvet theatre curtain, revealing the dramatic aspect of a work that remains as fresh and striking as the day it was produced.
Acrylique sur toile / Acrylic on canvas
Signée et datée au dos / Signed and dated verso
Collection particulière / Private collection, Montréal
BEAUDRY, Ève-Lyne (dir.). Marcel Barbeau : En mouvement, catalogue d’exposition, Québec, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2018.
GAGNON, Carolle, et Ninon GAUTHIER. Marcel Barbeau : Le regard en fugue, Montréal, Éditions du Centre d’étude et de communication sur l’art, 1990.
GAGNON, Carolle, et Ninon GAUTHIER. Marcel Barbeau : Le regard en fugue, Montréal, Éditions du Centre d’étude et de communication sur l’art, 1990.