Peleg Franklin Brownell, Dernière barque sur la rive, Saint-Kitts, 1912
CA$18,000 - CA$22,000
Timed Auction
BYDealers - Historical and Post-War Canadian Art / Art canadien historique et d’après-guerre
Peleg Franklin Brownell
26 x 36,2 cm / 10.25 x 14.25 in
Peleg Franklin Brownell naît en 1857 à New Bedford, au Massachusetts. Après des études au Musée des beaux-arts de Boston, il poursuit sa formation à l’Académie Julian, à Paris, sous la direction de Tony Robert-Fleury et de William Bouguereau. Après quelques années passées à Montréal, il s’installe à Ottawa, où il devient, en 1886, directeur de l’École d’art d’Ottawa. Il se lie d’amitié avec Eric Brown, directeur et fondateur de la Galerie nationale du Canada (aujourd’hui le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada). Ensemble, ils voyagent dans les Antilles afin d’y peindre jusqu’en 1914. L’œuvre de Brownell s’imprègne alors de la lumière et des couleurs caractéristiques de ce coin de paradis, comme dans la présente huile sur toile, intitulée Dernière barque sur la rive, Saint-Kitts (1912), qu’il offrira à son ami et compagnon de voyage. Ce tableau n’est pas sans rappeler les marines de Clarence Gagnon et de James Wilson Morrice. Brownell y déploie tout son savoir-faire et toute sa sensibilité au moyen d’une touche impressionniste qui illumine entièrement la scène. Par ailleurs, un des tableaux les plus connus de l’artiste, The Beach, St. Kitts (1913), est également inspiré de ce bord de mer enchanteur. Dans son ouvrage L’art canadien : Maîtres choisis de collections privées, A. K. Prakash consacre le second chapitre à celui qu’il considère comme le « précurseur des peintres romantiques et impressionnistes du Canada » et un des artistes les plus doués et les plus importants du pays. La présente pièce incarne en tous points ces qualités admirables.
Peleg Franklin Brownell was born in 1857, in New Bedford, Massachusetts. After attending the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, he continued his studies at the Académie Julian, in Paris, under the direction of Tony Robert-Fleury and William Bouguereau. He spent a few years in Montreal before moving to Ottawa, where he became director of the Ottawa School of Art in 1886. He befriended Eric Brown, the founding director of the National Gallery of Canada, and travelled with him to the West Indies to paint there in 1914. Brownell’s work then became infused with the light and colours of that slice of paradise, as evinced in this oil on canvas, The Last Boat Ashore, St. Kitts (1912), which he gave to his friend and travel companion. The painting is reminiscent of the maritime scenes of Clarence Gagnon and James Wilson Morrice. Brownell here deploys all his expertise and sensibility by way of an impressionist touch that brightens the whole scene. One of his best-known paintings, The Beach, St. Kitts (1913), is also inspired by this enchanting seashore. In his book Canadian Art: Selected Masters from Private Collections, A.K. Prakash devotes the second chapter to Brownell, whom he considers the “precursor to Romantic and Impressionist painters in Canada” and one of the country’s most talented and important artists. The present work embodies these admirable qualities in every way.
Peleg Franklin Brownell was born in 1857, in New Bedford, Massachusetts. After attending the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, he continued his studies at the Académie Julian, in Paris, under the direction of Tony Robert-Fleury and William Bouguereau. He spent a few years in Montreal before moving to Ottawa, where he became director of the Ottawa School of Art in 1886. He befriended Eric Brown, the founding director of the National Gallery of Canada, and travelled with him to the West Indies to paint there in 1914. Brownell’s work then became infused with the light and colours of that slice of paradise, as evinced in this oil on canvas, The Last Boat Ashore, St. Kitts (1912), which he gave to his friend and travel companion. The painting is reminiscent of the maritime scenes of Clarence Gagnon and James Wilson Morrice. Brownell here deploys all his expertise and sensibility by way of an impressionist touch that brightens the whole scene. One of his best-known paintings, The Beach, St. Kitts (1913), is also inspired by this enchanting seashore. In his book Canadian Art: Selected Masters from Private Collections, A.K. Prakash devotes the second chapter to Brownell, whom he considers the “precursor to Romantic and Impressionist painters in Canada” and one of the country’s most talented and important artists. The present work embodies these admirable qualities in every way.
Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas
signée, datée et dédicacée « To Eric Brown » [premier directeur du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 1910] au bas au centre / signed, dated and dedicated « To Eric Brown » [first Director of the National Gallery of Canada, 1910] lower middle
Galerie Walter Klinkhoff, Montréal
Collection particulière / Private collection, Ottawa
Collection particulière / Private collection, Ottawa