Dominic Besner, Série XXXe, 2000
CA$12,000 - CA$15,000
Timed Auction
BYDealers - Historical and Post-War Canadian Art / Art canadien historique et d’après-guerre
Dominic Besner
122 x 122 cm / 48 x 48 in
Dominic Besner est né en 1965 à North Lancaster, en Ontario. Il a obtenu un baccalauréat en architecture de l’Université de Montréal en 1992. Sa formation d’architecte, entreprise au Collège Algonquin, à Ottawa, quelques années plus tôt, a eu une grande influence sur sa pratique artistique. Décors fantaisistes et personnages issus de la commedia dell’arte peuplent les tableaux de l’artiste, dans la même veine qu’Otto Dix et Nicolas de Crécy. Besner, qui utilise des techniques et des matériaux mixtes sur toile, privilégie le pastel à l’huile, l’acrylique, le mortier de structure, le crayon-feutre et la peinture aérosol. À ces matériaux s’ajoute une technique d’application avec les doigts et de grattage de la toile. Ses œuvres font partie de plusieurs collections privées et publiques au Canada et à l’étranger.
Dominic Besner was born in North Lancaster, Ontario, in 1965. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in architecture at the University of Montreal, in 1992. His training as an architect a few years earlier, at Algonquin College, in Ottawa, had a tremendous influence on his art practice. Fantastical settings and characters from the commedia dell’arte populate Besner’s paintings, in the same vein as Otto Dix and Nicolas de Crécy. Using mixed materials and techniques on canvas, Besner favours oil pastel, acrylic, structural mortar, markers, and spray paint, while also employing a finger-based application technique and canvas scraping. His work is included in many collections, both public and private, in Canada and abroad.
Dominic Besner was born in North Lancaster, Ontario, in 1965. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in architecture at the University of Montreal, in 1992. His training as an architect a few years earlier, at Algonquin College, in Ottawa, had a tremendous influence on his art practice. Fantastical settings and characters from the commedia dell’arte populate Besner’s paintings, in the same vein as Otto Dix and Nicolas de Crécy. Using mixed materials and techniques on canvas, Besner favours oil pastel, acrylic, structural mortar, markers, and spray paint, while also employing a finger-based application technique and canvas scraping. His work is included in many collections, both public and private, in Canada and abroad.
Techniques mixtes sur toile / Mixed media on canvas
signée au bas au centre; signée et titrée au dos / signed lower middle; signed and titled verso
Collection particulière / Private collection, Montréal
BESNER, Dominic. Dominic Besner, 1993-2000, Montréal, Mensi & Rioux, 2000. Œuvre reproduite à la page 21. / Work reproduced on page 21.